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Resources for Educators

Clarendon is committed to providing helpful information and resources.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

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Clarendon Early Education: General Information for Educators

Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc. provides you with an extensive support network to help ensure your success as a licensed Family Child Care Educator.

  • Customized childcare referrals to your program with door-to door transportation for eligible families.
  • Personalized assistance from a childcare specialist to help you to navigate the complexities of running your Family Child Care business.
  • Support services in English, Khmer, Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Support visits and technical assistance from the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program.
  • Financial services – Clarendon’s team of highly experienced Voucher Specialists perform all aspects of state billing on your behalf, eliminating hours of work each month from your busy schedule and allowing for more time with children.
  • Monthly home visits by our Early Childhood Specialists to provide guidance and resources on curriculum and nutrition, and to support you with EEC Licensing, professional development and Massachusetts QRIS requirements.
  • Initial developmental screenings for all children using the Ages and Stages Assessment tool. We will work with you and your families to facilitate referrals between parents and Early Intervention Services (Thom Anne Sullivan Early Childhood Programs and South Bay Mental Health Centers  when needed.
  • A monthly educational curriculum, LEARN (Learning Experiences and Resources Now!), that incorporates experiences for mixed ages from infancy to school age to inspire children’s engagement, and includes an introduction to the topic, several experiences and investigations across curriculum areas, a healthy recipe, resources and a message to families with additional resources. A poster-size curriculum web provides an overview of suggested learning experiences and how they relate to the Massachusetts Early Learning Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers and Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences (pre-school guidelines). Suggested activities for school age children reflect best practices and the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. Educators can use the web to share with families how children are learning through play.
  • Assistance with program evaluation, including the use of the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale and Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care, to enhance programming and meet QRIS requirements.


Professional Development Training Opportunities

CEES provides a minimum of thirty (30) hours annually of professional development training for all Educators, including four full Professional Development/QRIS days each year. We include topics to help Educators meet licensing requirements, including health and safety topics and diverse learners, as well as opportunities designed to help you progress on the Massachusetts Quality Rating and Improvement System. Other areas are included based on educator interests, determined by an annual survey, and current issues in the field.

Clarendon also supports Educators working toward the Child Development Associate credential, providing CDA preparation and advising. Our staff works with individual educators to help them navigate the QRIS, including document preparation, program observations and applications. Academic advising is also available to those who wish to enter a college degree program


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