Racial Justice Statement

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Our country is once again facing the insidious and deeply rooted racism and inequality that exists in our society. The loss of lives of so many victims of racial inequality and injustice has ignited outrage in our streets. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States guarantees all individuals equal protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or personal characteristic. We, at Clarendon, are committed to upholding and defending the right of all citizens to this protection.

Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc. is dedicated to building a better future for all of the children we serve, regardless of the color of their skin. We condemn racial injustice. We join the voices for change across our nation that are peacefully calling for reforms at all levels of government to end racism and the systemic inequities in education, health care, housing and income that are evident across this country.

It is also incumbent upon us as a society to find solutions to this country’s history of racial inequality. We are committed to using our voices to identify ways to build a better society for all.

Margaret Mc Donald
CEO, Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc.

Christine Schneider
Board President

Declaración de Justicia Racial

Estimados Amigos y Colegas:

Nuestro país se enfrenta una vez más al racismo y la desigualdad insidiosos y profundamente arraigados que existen en nuestra sociedad. La pérdida de vidas de tantas víctimas de la desigualdad racial y la injusticia ha provocado indignación en nuestras calles. La decimocuarta enmienda de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos garantiza a todos los individuos igual protección ante la ley, independientemente de su raza, religión o características personales. Nosotros, en Clarendon, estamos comprometidos a apoyar y defender el derecho de todos los ciudadanos a esta protección.

Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc. se dedica a construir un futuro mejor para todos los niños que atendemos, independientemente del color de su piel. Condenamos la injusticia racial. Nos unimos a las voces de cambio en toda nuestra nación que piden pacíficamente reformas en todos los niveles del gobierno para terminar con el racismo y las inequidades sistémicas en educación, atención médica, vivienda e ingresos que son evidentes en todo el país.

También nos incumbe a nosotros como sociedad encontrar soluciones a la historia de desigualdad racial de este país. Estamos comprometidos a usar nuestras voces para identificar formas de construir una sociedad mejor para todos.

Margaret Mc Donald
CEO, Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc.

Christine Schneider
Presidente de la Junta


Anti-Bias Resources



Racism and Violence: Using Your Power as a Parent to Support Children Aged Two to Five

Race and Early Childhood

Why we must talk about race and racism in early childhood education-

Resources for Talking about Race, Racism and Racialized Violence with Kids

Children’s Books We Use to Teach Kids to be Anti-Racist: Embrace Race

Black Boy Joy: 30 Picture Books Featuring Black Male Protagonists

Broadening the Story: 60 Picture Books Starring Black Mighty Girls