Positive Guidance

Kickoff Question

Think about how you guide behavior in your professional work with children. Is this similar to or different from how you were guided as a child?

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Barbara Burroughs
16 days ago

Times have change so much from when I was a child, when I was a child we did as we were told by an adult there was no expressing yourself expressing you self meant you were talking back. Times are different now the children get the chance to explain why they are behaving this way and we as caregivers need to find out what triggered this behavior , how can we prevent this , what can we do to redirect them remember and implement this strategy in your routines when necessary

Joanna Doyle
15 days ago

Well said, Barbara! Looking for the message in the behavior is key.

Barbara Burroughs
15 days ago

My hot button behavior , is when the children go home for the weekend . When they come back on Monday they are crying constantly not wanting to eat or participate in activities , because they got woke up to come to daycare they are off schedule it takes after nap time for them to calm down to where they can participate in any activity

Joanna Doyle
15 days ago

Thank you for sharing, Barbara. I wonder if you might try a special “calm down” activity on Monday mornings, something that is easy for the children and for you.

Barbara Burroughs
15 days ago

If a 15month old was in my care biting his friends, I would let them know that’s not alright, we do not bite our friends look you made them cry , biting hurts your friend is sad we use our words not our teeth. If a 2year old cries at drop off every time comfort them and stick with the routine , most likely they are not a morning person .

4 days ago

Aveces por el corre corre del dia a dia lo tomamos muy superficial y no vamos a la raíz, hay que tomar tiempo y hacer un plan para ir chuliando posibles causas y soluciones.

4 days ago

El bebe de 6 meses que llora, esta en el proceso de desapego de la madre o cuidador primario, comprender que es un proceso normal, darle suficientemente atención, cariño, tomarlo en brazos el mayor tiempo posible, explorar juntos que llama su atención, seguir una rutina.

2 days ago

My “hot button behavior” is when they don’t cooperate not following instructions specially when they come back on Mondays is like if they don’t want to do anything or participate in any activity. Is always good finding way on how to redirect them and implement techniques in your daily routine.

8 hours ago

my Hot button behavior for me is when they have free play time then no one wants to clean up, what I do is talk to them on how they come to learn and play and cleaning after yourself is part of learning too, plus I always mention the next activity we’re doing, so they get excited and cooperate.

Education Assistance

Jeanie Bianchi

Nutrition Compliance Officer

(800)875-1234 Ext. 112


Joanna Doyle

Executive Director of Education & Training

(800)875-1234 Ext. 206


Rosemary Hernandez

Co Executive Director of Education & Training

(800)875-1234 Ext. 510
