Serving Massachusetts Early Childhood Educators and children daily.
For 41 years we’ve helped families to access high quality , affordable childcare while helping to build successful careers for licensed Family Child care educators in Massachusetts.

Our Mission and Values
To provide quality, culturally sensitive and affordable child care services.
To promote small business opportunities for women and men in the Mass. Family Child Care industry
To promote quality of care and to enhance professionalism in Early Childhood Education
We strive to provide excellent services following the highest standards of security and privacy for your family’s safety and peace of mind

Nutrition - Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Clarendon is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) agency that sponsors the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Care/ for providers participating in Clarendon’s Child Care Systems across the state as well as independent Providers. The CACFP provides many benefits for providers and children including, nutrition training, free nutritious meals for children and financial reimbursement for provider’s meal service costs. Massachusetts Department of Education http://www.doe.mass.edu/cnp/ provides oversight for all sponsors of the CACFP in MA.
Clarendon is a staunch advocate for the continuation of Federal funding for the Food Program and works tirelessly with The Food Research and Action Center http://www.frac.org/. FRAC is the leading National Organization dedicated to the integrity of the CACFP and the welfare of America’s hungriest children.

Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc. provides quality child care services to children from birth to 13 years, supporting families from diverse ethnic, social and economic backgrounds.
Clarendon’s philosophy is based on the knowledge that children learn through positive interactions with caring adults who understand how children develop and provide opportunities for meaningful hands-on learning experiences. Children learn best through activities that engage their senses and need individual support as they explore and discover themselves, others and the world around them in the context of their families and cultures. Safe, healthy environments with a robust nutrition program set the stage for improved outcomes in school and in life.
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